I Wilted Today….

20 Jun

I wilted, and I wasn’t even outside.

Today was 93 degrees…In My House. How did that even happen? I had all the windows closed except for the designated “Juuuuust A Hair open, so the cooler will rush out through it, inadvertently hitting us beings and making us smile” window. All the blinds were closed, making us look as if we had a questionable substance shop going on in the place. And we did.

A sweat shop.  A. Sweat. Shop.

I couldn’t leave it behind. It was in the kitchen, when I went to get a popsicle. (The popsicle didn’t help. It just teased my throat a bit.) It was in the bedroom as I decided to lay down for a nap, just to while away the time and hopefully getting a time warp into the future where it is less than 84 degrees in the air.  I couldn’t even leave it behind when I went into the magic room with it’s own cooler (yes it was cooler, but only by a bit, thereby making my sweat cold on my skin. ugh.)

So I wilted.

I could tell because first, my hair stopped loving itself. It lay limply on my head, and refused to play nice. It schlumped around, throwing a temper tantrum, and let me tell you, it did a good job. Hair sticking to my scalp in odd places, and jumping up in the air in other spots. Rude.   Then, my clothes got wind of the hair going AWAL. I know this because they started to climb, ride, and stick where they had no business being in the first place. Surprising, when I got up to answer the door, and I had to do a quick talking to for all of it. Blech.  Next came, well, my temper. It rose, and bubbled and boiled. Just ask my husband. He was on the short end of it. When we were in nap mode, my temper let him know in no uncertain terms, that he had sticky elbows, large arms, and WILL YOU GET YOUR FOREHEAD OFF MY PILLOW?  (he just looked at me and shook his head, but non-threateningly. He is used to that skill after 21 years.) Lastly, my wilt became complete when I found myself laying on the sofa of the main floor, and just staring at the ceiling. Willing the time to go by. Waiting for…something to break up the heat, and being just fine with the sheen of moisture that popped out all over my neck and face. (The highlight of the afternoon came from the texts that were sent to me. You know who you are. Thank you.)

At 9:00 PM, the temperature dropped to roughly 85 degrees, and I have felt like someone watered my spirit with gatorade and happiness. Does it matter that tomorrow will be just about as hot? Nope. Because today has taught me to live in the moment. My hair agrees. My clothes are calm again, and I have energy. Thank you, anti-wilt fairy. Remind me to make you some brownies. I will make them, of course, when it isn’t so hot in the kitchen. Check back next week. Whew!


Posted by on June 20, 2012 in family, Life, Mom, Uncatagorized


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3 responses to “I Wilted Today….

  1. Ticia

    June 20, 2012 at 10:57 pm

    From the wife of a Swamp Cooler Guy (Yeah, that’s his official title): Open the window up wide. Test the positive pressure by putting a piece of paper against the screen. If it falls down, you have too many windows open, or they’re open too wide. If it sticks, you can open them up more. Not having the windows open enough puts strain on the cooler’s motor and can burn it out.


  2. Ticia

    June 21, 2012 at 6:01 am

    I can tell you all about coolers but I can’t fix them. I can change a tire, though!



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